How do I search the site?

Just click the magnifying glass icon and enter a word or phrase – and for best results use inverted commas.  The results lists content you are currently able to access, so content won’t be shown from sessions which have not yet been released when you search.

 Moodle Search Bar Screenshot

How do I view platform notifications?

When you have unread notifications a red number appears beside the bell icon as shown below.

Notification Bell

Click to view your notifications, a drop down with the subject name will appear as shown below.  These are also sent to you by email, but you can change your preferences by clicking the cog icon in the notifications window.

Notification panel screenshot

How do I send and receive messages?

A red number appears beside the speech bubble icon to alert you to unread messages. Click to open messages. Please note this feature is enabled at the discretion of your organisation.

Chat bubble with unread messages

How do I control who can message me and how I am notified of new messages?

Click on the cog in the upper righthand corner to open privacy settings and adjust access and notifications.

Screenshot of messages panel in Moodle

How do I find other participants to message?

Click the speech bubble icon to open the messaging panel, then search for individual participants and Career Guides. Send them a contact request first, which must be accepted before you can start messaging each other. You can mute conversations and block contacts if necessary using the menu on the conversation or contact.

What are starred messages?

These are your favourite conversations, drafts, links and notes for later use. To activate, send a message to yourself to create your first note, or star a conversation using the … menu visible when you open a conversation.

What are message groups?

You will be allocated to a pre-defined group(s) for the duration of the course. Click on the group to see other members and use to read/send group messages.

How do I create or update my Profile?

Click the user profile symbol (see below).  This displays all your details, and clicking ‘edit profile’ allows you to add further detail, such as a photograph, work and leisure interests, and a short bio.

 Profile Icon Screenshot

Can I control who can see my email address in my profile?

Your email address is normally only visible to the course guides and administrators, but you can click on your profile to change settings to allow others to see your email address.  

How do I update my city, country and time zone?

Click your profile icon, then click edit profile to change your city, country and time zone.